SMARTSHIFT Robotics is excited to share the news that we are launching an updated version of the Tool Pocket:


The SMARTSHIFT Tool Pocket Stabilizer 3500

We are delighted to present to the Robotic industry Smartshift’s latest innovation – our new enhanced Tool Pocket. This cutting-edge tool has been specifically crafted to meet the demands of complex, uneven, tilted, and heavier EOAT requirements for your robot applications.

The Tool Pocket, based on the proven original unit,  now has a stabilizer function which decreases and in most cases eliminates any tilting in the pick up or delivery of an EOAT. Furthermore, the anodized aluminum add-on’s effectively guide the Robot during EOAT changes, ensuring smooth and seamless transitions.

Where EOAT today can be difficult, this Smartshift Pocket is perfect for:

 Welding Gun applications

Custom design EOAT

Uneven weighted or tilted EOAT

Loose/flexible EOAT

The new Smartshift Pocket also makes guiding the Robot when programming easier. The NEW design from Smartshift cuts time when programming your Robot, making the Smartshift NEW Pocket support faster ROI, re-deployment and changeover in Robot production use.

Welcome the next level EOAT Tool Change!
